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...Abode where lost bodies roam each searching for its lost one. Vast enough for search to be in vain. Narrow enough for light to be in vain. Inside a flattened cylinder fifty metres round and sixteen high for the sake of harmony...

Samuel Beckett, The Lost Ones, 1972

Samuel Beckett’s The Lost Ones (1971/1972) like works by Kafka and Borges, creates a fictional and somewhat fantastic circumstance of constraint and deprivation. He populates a cylindrical space with two hundred abject and languishing humans whose culture seems to be organized according to an elusive order. The narrative agency in The Lost Ones has been described as a disembodied ‘artificial intelligence’ (Schwab, 2000, p.61). One can imagine its denizens as inhabiting a posthuman space, the last vanquished humans secluded in a capsule that is, like a nautilus, organized according to a ‘self sufficient cosmogony, which has its own categories, its own time, space, fulfilment and even existential principle’ (Barthes, 1972, p.65).





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